Do not miss this education, where technology topics that shape every aspect of life will be discussed!
- Web 3.0
- Blockchain
- Metaverse
About the Education
In this education, current topics such as Web3.0, Blockchain, NFT, Metaverse will be discussed by expert instructors. Education is completely free for Gazi University students. It is sufficient for the participants to register for the education only with their Web3 ID. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ will present NFTs from our University's collection to our students who are successful as a result of the evaluation to be made at the end of the education. To find out how to register in the education please check Registration Guide
Education is free and will be given over the GUZEM Learning Management System.
Current technologies will be handled practically by expert instructors in the field.
All participants will be given a questionable participation certificate by GUZEM via e-government.
Participants who are successful in the evaluation made at the end of the education will be awarded with NFT ..
Web3 Research Group
Our experienced instructors, who are experts in their fields, meet you at the NFT prize-winning WEB 3.0 education.

Prof. Dr.
Halil İbrahim BÜLBÜL
Gazi University, Advisor of the Rector
- Web 3.0
- Blockchain
- Metaverse

Assoc. Prof. Dr
Mutlu Tahsin ÜSTÜNDAĞ
Gazi University UZEM
Education 3.0
- Web 3.0 and Education
- Blockchain and Education
- Metaverse and Education

Assist. Prof. Dr
Gazi University UZEM
- Blockchain: What It Is, and What It Is Not
- Consensus Algorithms, Smart Contracts
- Blockchain setup and management

Inst. Dr.
Mevlüt UYSAL
Gazi University UZEM
NFT (Non Fungible Tokens)
- What is NFT?
- Why should you create an NFT?
- How to create, buy and sell NFT?

Zafer AYAZ
Gazi University IT Department
What will Web 3.0 Change in Business?
- Marketing and advertising from past to today
- Post Web3, Metaverse as new market
- Business risks and opportunities in the metaverse

Gazi University IT Department
Security and Legal Issues
- Web3.0 and Anonimity
- Web 3.0 and Security
- Web 3.0 and Legal Issues

Buğra AYAN
Gazi University PhD CandidateWeb 3.0
- What will the internet look like in web3?
- What does Web 3.0 mean for individuals and organizations?
- What problems does Web 3.0 solve?

Inst. Dr.
Gazi University UZEM
3B Printing and Modeling
- 3B Printing and the Future of NFT
- Basics of 3B Mopdeling
- Creating Artwork with Artificial Intelligence
You can register for the education only with your Web3 identity.
To register for the educaiton, you must have a MetaMask account. MetaMask, provides the simplest and most secure way to connect to blockchain-based applications. Generates passwords and keys on your device so you can access your accounts and data.
- You must have a MetaMask wallet to participate in Gazi University NFT Award-Winning Online Web 3.0 Educaiton.
- Education will be given through Gazi University Distance Education Application and Research Center Learning Management System (LMS)
- Participants are required to register their Web 3 addresses , which they created with MetaMask, to their user accounts in LMS in order to access the education.
Akademik Çalışmalarımız
Articles |
Tanrıverdi, M., Uysal, M., Üstündağ, M.T. (2019). What is Blockchain Technology? What isn’t?: Literature Review. Journal of Information Technologies, 12, 3, 203-217 Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/775807 |
Tanrıverdi, M., Uysal, M., Üstündağ, M.T., (2020). Educational Wallet for Students: Sharing of Students’ Education Activities on Blockchain. The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 18,2, 1105-1125 Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tebd/issue/58778/822929 |
Tanrıverdi, M., Uysal, M., Üstündağ, M.T., Ayaz, Z., (2021). Vehicle Wallet: Managing Technical Service and Maintenance Records of Motor Vehicles on Blockchain. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 9, 1358-1373 Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1668100 |
Tanrıverdi, M., (2020). Design and Implementation of Blockchain Based Single Sign-On Authentication System for Web Applications. Sakarya University Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, 3, 3, 343-354 Link:http://saucis.sakarya.edu.tr/tr/pub/issue/58143/757459 |
Tanrıverdi, M., (2020). A Systematic Review of Privacy Preserving Healthcare Data Sharing on Blockchain. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management 4,2 |
Bahçivan, E., Güneş, E., Üstündağ, M., (2018). A comprehensive model covering prospective teachers’ technology use: the relationships among self, teaching and learning conceptions and attitudes, Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/dSoi/full/10.1080/1475939X.2018.1479296 |
Books |
Tanrıverdi, M. (2022). Internet of Things and Analytics for Agriculture Volume 3, Solutions for Agro-food Chain Systems, Pattnaik, P.K. & Kumar, R., Pal, S. (Editor), Studies in Big Data, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6210-2. Link: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-16-6210-2 |
Karataş, S., Çakmak, E. K., Üstündağ, M.T., Solmaz, E., Tanrıverdi, M., Özcan, S., Uysal, M. (2021). Key Approaches for the training of Coding Trainers, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yenilik ve Eğitim Teknolojileri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara Link: http://yegitek.meb.gov.tr/coding_flipbook_ENG/mobile/index.html |
Tanrıverdi, M., Üstündağ , M., Uysal, M. (2022). Current Studies in Digital Transformation and Productivity, Digital Transformation and Blockchain, Calp, M.H. & Butuner R. (Editor), Studies in Big Data, ISRES Publishing Link: https://www.isres.org/current-studies-in-digital-transformation-and-productivity-30-b.html |
Projects |
EarlyCode - Developing Teaching Materials for Preschool Teaching Undergraduates on Computational Thinking and Introduction to Coding (2018-1-TR01-KA203-058832) Erasmus Project, 259,706 Euro Link: http://earlycoders.org/ |
Standartization of Stem and Coding Trainings (2018-1-TR01-KA201 058663), Erasmus Project, 189.000 Euro Link: https://yegitek.meb.gov.tr/www/sosact-stem-ve-kodlama-egitimi-standardizasyonu-projesi/icerik/3178 |
Renewteach - Developing Competences of Pre-Service Teachers through STE(A)M-based Renewable Energy Curriculum, (2021-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000027614, Erasmus Project, 221,515 Euro Link: http://renewteach.org/ |
Gazi University Web3 Training
NFT award-winning online Web3 trainings were held for Gazi University students between 14 March - 1 April.
Web3 Trainings with the Governorship of Karabuk
Between 16-23 May, T.C. Online Web3 trainings are planned with the Ministry of Culture and the Governorship of Karabuk.
Artists: Gazi University NFT Collection
Frequently asked Questions
How can I register?
You can only register for the education with your Web3 IDs. Please check the registration guide and watch the video
Is the educaation for free?
Education is free. As there is a limited number of places, the participants will be determined according to the pre-registration order.
What is the start date of the education?
Education will start on March 14 at 21:45, you can follow the announcements on our website and social media accounts.
Will there be an evaluation at the end of the educaiton?
Yes sure. After the education, an evaluation will be made for the participants via the Learning Management System.
How can I get the NFT prize?
As a result of the evaluation, NFT rewards will be sent to the Web3 accounts of successful students.
How does online education work?
Education will be handled using the video conferencing tool via the GUZEM Learning Management System.
Social Media Accounts
You can follow the announcements to be made on our social media accounts for the latest status of your registration and the education schedule. You can follow our social media accounts to be informed about our services, announcements and events.